The Witchy Shift

Season 2, Episode 7: Working with Deities

WitchyShift Season 2 Episode 7

Today we bring you Season 2, Episode 7 of The Witchy Shift during which Heatherleigh and Madeleine dig into the massive (and sometimes intimidating) world of working with deities. 

We explore topics such as:

-Our personal favorite deities/gods/goddesses and what we love about them

-The question of cultural appreciation vs appropriation when exploring deities from cultures other than our own

-Considering the shadow side and complexities of deities

-AI depictions of Gods and Goddesses

-Our recommendations for dipping your toes into working with a deity, god, or goddess

..and much more!

If you’ve been curious about deity work and want to hear our take, tune in and give it a listen!

This is a hugely complex topic which we plan to explore further in a future episode. Send you thoughts and questions to and we’ll be happy to tackle them in part 2 of this topic. 


Mentioned in this Episode:

Invoking the Goddess Oracle Deck by Lisa de St. Croix

Dark Goddess Tarot by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince

Hellenismos: Practicing Greek Polytheism Today by Tony Mierzwicki

Goddesses from A to Z by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince

The Complete Encyclopedia of Egyptian Deities by Dr. Tamara L. Siuda

All items above available for online ordering at or in our shop at 1220 Woodward Heights in Ferndale, MI. 


Tragic Beauty: The Dark Side of Venus Aphrodite by Dr. Arlene Diane Landau

Wheel of the Year information, including corresponding deities for each Sabbat:

Heatheleigh’s guest appearance on Erika Robinson’s YouTube channel In the Company of Cards:

We want to hear from you!
Email us at
or follow us on Instagram @TheWitchyShift