The Witchy Shift
The Witchy Shift
Season 2, Episode 7: Working with Deities
Today we bring you Season 2, Episode 7 of The Witchy Shift during which Heatherleigh and Madeleine dig into the massive (and sometimes intimidating) world of working with deities.
We explore topics such as:
-Our personal favorite deities/gods/goddesses and what we love about them
-The question of cultural appreciation vs appropriation when exploring deities from cultures other than our own
-Considering the shadow side and complexities of deities
-AI depictions of Gods and Goddesses
-Our recommendations for dipping your toes into working with a deity, god, or goddess
..and much more!
If you’ve been curious about deity work and want to hear our take, tune in and give it a listen!
This is a hugely complex topic which we plan to explore further in a future episode. Send you thoughts and questions to thewitchyshift@gmail.com and we’ll be happy to tackle them in part 2 of this topic.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Invoking the Goddess Oracle Deck by Lisa de St. Croix
Dark Goddess Tarot by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince
Hellenismos: Practicing Greek Polytheism Today by Tony Mierzwicki
Goddesses from A to Z by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince
The Complete Encyclopedia of Egyptian Deities by Dr. Tamara L. Siuda
All items above available for online ordering at bostontearoom.com/shop or in our shop at 1220 Woodward Heights in Ferndale, MI.
Tragic Beauty: The Dark Side of Venus Aphrodite by Dr. Arlene Diane Landau
Wheel of the Year information, including corresponding deities for each Sabbat: thebusypagan.com/pagan-holidays
Heatheleigh’s guest appearance on Erika Robinson’s YouTube channel In the Company of Cards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycrQq0iJsLQ
We want to hear from you!
Email us at TheWitchyShift@gmail.com
or follow us on Instagram @TheWitchyShift