The Witchy Shift

Witches' Familiars

December 09, 2022 WitchyShift Season 1 Episode 6

When production scheduling goes a little awry and you have to come up with an episode on the fly, look to your surroundings! Luckily we had a Mikey on hand. Mikey is Heatherleigh's dog, emotional support/security pup at Boston Tea Room, and she inspired this episode on Familiars. 

What is a witch's familiar? Great question. It's a question that may have answers as varied and unique as the people asking.  We reference Raven Grimassi's book "The Witch's Familiar" as a source. In full transparency, none of us have read it. I bet we will now. 

Heatherleigh also mentions a market she attended while in the American Southwest. She references SWAIA, Southwestern Association for Indian Arts. For more information on that organization and their markets, please visit 

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